Garage Sale Man

“I have two associates, two bachelor’s and a master’s. Now I sell junk. I’ve done a lot of different things in my life.” – Dean Yankee

985778 2-21 portrait Dean Yankee

Yankee    a dandy of a    storyteller    Master spinner of yarns holds ‘garage sale no one else wanted to have’ near Dollars Corner

The sales and salvage side of Yankee’s Custom Farming was born as a garage sale no one else wanted to have. Yankee would take in boats and tractors, fix them up and offer them for sale on his property. Now he cleans out foreclosures and estates and takes in drop-offs of seemingly everything but radioactive waste. It may seem a mess, but Yankee keeps a mental inventory of all the odd parts and furniture and antiques.

“I built big green fences, because Californians don’t like the look of anything obnoxious.” – Dean Yankee

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