The Homeless Artist

“You just forget yourself for a few minutes. When I get mad, I work. When I get sad, I work.” – Mandi Vee

36 Portraits

“I just want each painting to say something. Even though it is a portrait, can they see the joy in these womens’ faces?” – Hilarie Couture

Garage Sale Man

“I have two associates, two bachelor’s and a master’s. Now I sell junk. I’ve done a lot of different things in my life.” – Dean Yankee

The Animal Rescuer

“I realized that everybody can do something. All of us can help. Because if you treat the animal humanely, then you’re naturally going to treat each other better.” – Caroline Reiswig

The Fisherman

“The best day now is a warm day in August. No wind… and we’re trolling for salmon and steelhead. And we catch a couple. And we’re home by noon and have enjoyed the day.” – Larry Snyder

Lois Elaine

“I’m on top of everything, a class act lady and into community affairs. Go do something positive… and make fudge!” – Lois Elaine Smith-Zoll

Senior Bowler

“My favorite part about bowling is getting strikes.” – John Hallet, 93

The Rower

“What I expect is to be the fastest rower in the world who rows without legs.” – Paralympic rower, Anthony Davis

A Strong Man

“I want my story to be one of strength and perseverance. I want to make people smile when they think about me. And that’s a wonderful thing to leave behind.” – Akhil Jhaveri

Bouldering Queen

“It works your mind just as much as it does your body. You have to put yourself somewhere that you’re not comfortable in order for growth to happen.” – Taylor Anderson